Monday, September 19, 2016

10 11 16   ++More Windows 10, Cortana, EDGE*

Dear Classmates,

At our meeting on Tuesday, October 11, 7pm, after class questions, We will Demo:
1. Great video on Start screen.
2. Alarms & Clock, and Task Manager
3. Disk Cleanup, will add GB's to your hard drive.
4. Demo Security and Maintenance.
5. Dark Theme.
6. Snipping Tool.
7. OneDrive.

Please plan to attend, invite your friends, and bring your questions! 

If you cannot attend, you can watch it at home on your computer: at 7 pm Tuesday. Copy and paste this link into your browser.

Happy Computing,

Joe Isaac    

You can give Cortana basic commands like “Find pictures from June” or “Find documents with Windows 10” and she’ll apply the appropriate filters, then scour your local files and OneDrive storage for results.

My Joe does Windows .doc file was 26.8MB, made it a pdf file and it was 9.71MB, amazing.

How to sign into Windows 10 automatically?

After updating to Windows 10, many users find that they must sign in to Windows using a password, even if they previously did not. I'll show you how to sign in to Windows 10 automatically.


Survey: Users love their desktops more than their cheapo tablets

Keyboard Shortcuts That Work in All Web Browsers
Ctrl+9 – Switch to the last tab.
Ctrl+Tab – Switch to the next tab 
Ctrl+Shift+T – Reopen the last closed tab.
Ctrl+T – Open a new tab.
Ctrl+N – Open a new browser window.
Alt+F4 – Close the current window. (Works in all applications.)
F5 – Reload.
Escape – Stop.
Alt+Home – Open homepage.
Ctrl + Spin mouse wheel  – Zoom in.
Ctrl + Spin mouse wheel  — Zoom out. 
F11 – Full-screen mode.

Page Down – Scroll down a frame.
Page Up – Scroll up a frame.
Home – Top of page.
End – Bottom of page.

History & Bookmarks
Ctrl + H – Open the browsing history.
Ctrl + D – Bookmark the current website.

Ctrl + P – Print the current page.

what is a "Server" anyway?
A server is nothing more than a computer that provides services or resources to other computers.

Vintage Tips from the 1900s

Our President, Brooke Thomas, took these great photos last year.


Sing Along with the Rock 'n' Roll Hits of the 50s... 
  The evolution of rock 'n' roll in the 1950s defined of the most exciting times in the history of popular history. Here are 15 classic songs.

What's the richest country in the world? Which is the hottest place on Earth? And which country is the safest? Here's where you can satisfy your curiosity ...

The US Citizenship Test

15 of The Bee Gees' Best Songs

Q. Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2015
Subject: A question

Dear Joe, I have a question about the mouse and scrolling which I could not find in your TIPS.
I used to be able to use the scroll roller to move one line or item at a time.  I now find it moves 4-5 rows or items at a time.  Is there a setting where I can go back to just one row scrolling?

Thanks so much!!  I happily stay a devoted member but live 40 miles away so have not been able to come to many SIGS.  However I like the live streams and especially the newsletters.

A. Glad you watch the class on the Internet and like the newsletters.
To adjust the mouse and wheel go to:  Control Panel, click on Mouse.

Response: Thanks so much.  Perfect solution.

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Lexington, KY., United States
Taught Windows from 1995 -2016